Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) ®

QHHT was developed and perfected over 45 years by the late Dolores Cannon. This powerful technique allows the client to go on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth and healing.
During the QHHT session you will experience a past life regression and obtain answers from the subconscious mind which can also be referred to as Higher-Self, Higher Consciousness or the Oversoul. The subconscious is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind. It holds all of our memories, experiences, emotions and traumas from our current life and other lifetimes.
Before the session you will prepare a list of questions you would like to ask your Higher-Self. These could include:
- Answers to life questions
- Deeper understanding & knowledge of self
- Deep healing (physical and emotional)
- Clarity of life purpose
- Understanding relationships/career transition & advancement
- Direction, choice & clarity
The appointment will typically last between 4 – 6 hours. Your session will be recorded, and it is recommended that you listen to the recording over the next seven days (or longer) to gain further balance and understanding. This technique is very empowering as the practitioner is asking the client to answer their own questions.
The Process
The Interview
The most important part of the process begins with a chat about you and your individual path so far and why you decided to come along for a session. Knowing about your life enables your practitioner to be the best facilitator for you during the session. This will be the time where we will go through your list of questions.
The Session
This is the part where you will be gently guided to a state of relaxation as you listen to and follow your practitioner’s guided journey. During this state of relaxation, you will be able to access the part of your mind which stores your past life knowledge. We will concentrate only on appropriate lives that the Higher-Self wishes to focus on. We will then move on and connect with the Higher-Self where we will be able to receive answers to your most important questions and ask for healing. Remember, you are always in control. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and is simply a natural state of relaxation.
During the debrief we will discuss the session findings and what was remembered. Some things may be remembered, whereas others, like a dream, will begin to fade almost instantly. You will be provided with an audio recording (usually sent via WhatsApp and within 24-48 hours) which is recommended that you listen to your session over several days to gain further insight and understanding.
Ready to learn more about QHHT?
Let’s arrange a free 15-minute discovery call.
You can book your call here.
I love speaking with prospective clients about their interest in having a QHHT session and helping them understand what the experience entails before booking.
This call is a great opportunity for you to experience my energy and get a sense of what a QHHT session would be like.
We’ll also discuss appointment availability, session cost, and you’ll have the chance to ask any questions about the process, the office, why I do this work, and anything else you’d like to know.
I have the most wonderful clients, and I consider it a privilege and honour to facilitate their QHHT sessions, creating a loving space for their possibilities and transformation.